
Kiki Valera's VACILÓN SANTIAGUERO nominated for Best Tropical Latin Album at the 67th Grammy® Awards

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Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
Authentic Latin Music Catalog for SYNC - TV & Film Music

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Thursday, 03 March 2011, 07:30 AM

Cuban Music News Update - Conference, Dance, New Release

2011 Billboard Latin Music Conference & Awards

Omo Aché Cultural Arts - SBS Abel Namá

cuban music, musica cubanaFrom time to time I get an email from OMO ACHÉ CULTURAL ARTS and I'm always impressed in their level of activity. Led by Juan Carlos Blanco Riera, Omo Aché is a San Diego, California based organization dedicated to preserving, promoting and educating the general public about the richness of Cuban music, dance & culture.  Omo Ache’s performance group actively preserves the traditional dances, songs, music and stories of Cuba.   Omo Aché Afro-Cuban Dance & Music Co. offers audiences a journey through the evolution of Cuban culture, from its African roots to today's most popular urban expressions.  Performers of Omo Aché include Cuban and local artists dedicated to the ethnographic study of traditional Afro-Cuban cultural arts under the guidance of master folklorist and artistic director Juan Carlos Blanco Riera. Read more about OMO ACHÉ in our dance section...

2011 Billboard Latin Music Conference & AwardsThis year the Billboard Latin Music Conference and Awards is taking place April 26-27-28 in Miami Beach. The conference unites the most active market movers in the world of Latin music and entertainment - including the industry’s hottest artists, major record label execs, cutting-edge brand marketers, national radio programmers, world-renowned producers, and revolutionary digital music execs. Its the networking event of the year for this sector. Recognizing the most popular Latin music acts on the charts, the Billboard Latin Music Awards features top solo performers & Latin groups vying for top honors across all genres of Latin Music, produced and broadcast by Telemundo. 

In partnership with Billboard, is extending a SPECIAL ARTIST ONLY RATE of $400 for all three days (conference & awards). Check the current rates here. Only latin music artists with at least one release (, iTunes, CD Baby) can apply. For more info write to us at timba [at] timba [dot] com with *artist rate billboard* in the subject line.

En asociación con Billboard, está ofreciendo una TARIFA ESPECIAL PARA ARTISTAS  de $400 para los tres días (conferencia y premios). Revisa los precios actuales aquí.  Solo artista con mínimo un lanzamiento (, iTunes, CD Baby) pueden aplicar. Para más información escríbenos a timba [arroba] timba [punto] com con *tarifa especial de artista billboard* en el sujeto.

SBS Abel NamáSBS, agrupación formada por el cantante Abel Bosmenier (Abel Namá) y distinguidos por ventas de “SIGUE AL LÍDER” Acapulco (México) han obtenido disco de oro por las 75.000 copias vendidas, su experiencia tras estos años hacen que el cantante y compositor continúe su proyecto en solitario, como SBS Abel Namá, manteniendo su dinámica fusionando el Hip Hop ( Rap) con géneros cubanos, son, guaracha y cha cha cha -GUARACHANDO, su nueva propuesta discográfica. El Grupo S. B. S. de Hip Hop es oriundo de La Habana, Cuba; surgió en 1995 cuando un grupo de jóvenes con inquietudes musicales decidieron unirse en un proyecto singular que en poco tiempo fueron capaces de crear su sello identitario con un repertorio propio fusionando el Hip-Hop (Rap) con géneros cubanos como el Son, la Guaracha y el Cha Cha Cha. 

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