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Kiki Valera's VACILÓN SANTIAGUERO nominated for Best Tropical Latin Album at the 67th Grammy® Awards

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Resenas: Vacilón Santiaguero (Circle 9 ...
Staff: Bill Tilford
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Fotos: Tom Ehrlich : 2024 Monterey Jazz Fe...
Fotos: Tom Ehrlich : testing 123
Grupos: Pupy y los que S... : Discography - 1995- F...
Reportes: From The St... : Cubadisco 2...
Reportes: From The St... : Jazz Plaza ...
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Fotos: Tom Ehrlich : Irakere
Resenas: Joey Altruda Presents: El Gran ...
Timbapedia: 09. Interviews -... : Carlos del Pino ...
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Fotos: Tom Ehrlich : 2023 Monterey Jazz Fe...

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cuban music, musica cubana cuban music, musica cubana cuban music, musica cubana cuban music, musica cubana
Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
Authentic Latin Music Catalog for SYNC - TV & Film Music

Michelle White - Timbera Archives November 2004

Monday November 29, 2004 - ¡ tiene video!
Finalmente hemos entrado en el mundo de alta tecnología. Tenemos unos live clips filmados durante las giras 2004. No son de un calidad profesional pero espero que a ustedes les gusten, especialmente la gente que en estes tiempos no puede ir a ningún concierto. Para empezar hay 3 clips de Pupy y los que son son, grabados en Copenhague. Son las nuevas canciones: Dicen que dicen, El Secreto y La Borrachera. También hay un clip un poco diferente de La Charanga Habanera grabado en Estocolmo en El Día de los Enamorados. Es el tema de Latin Jazz que se llama Canción a mi madre componada de Helder Rojas. Par ver los clips necesita Windows Media Player. has video!
We have finally entered the world of high technology. We have some live clips filmed during the 2004 tours. They are not professional quality, but I hope you enjoy them, especially the people who can't go to any concerts these days. To start there are 3 clips by Pupy y los que son son, recorded in Copenhagen. They are the new songs: Dicen que dicen, El Secreto and La Borrachera. There is also a clip of La Charanga Habanera recorded in Stockholm on Valentine's Day. It is the Latin Jazz song called Canción a mi madre composed by Helder Rojas. To watch the clips you need Windows Media Player.

Thursday November 25, 2004 - Los Van Van
The production of Chapeando is finally completed but we still don't have a definite release date. However, we've all heard Agua, Ahora quiéreme, Ven, Chapeando and Vive and I also got to hear a new song by Robertón at the EuroDisney festival which bore the unmistakable mark of an éxito. Los Van Van have a busy schedule for the rest of the year. They will be performing tomorrow, November 26th, at the Casa de la música Galiano as well as several other dates in November and December. And on Saturday December 4th the orchestra will be celebrating their 35-year anniversary! El tren se va!

cuban music, musica cubana
One of my favorite pictures: El Grammy

La producción del disco Chapeando finalmente está terminada pero todavía no tenemos una fecha de lanzamiento definitiva. Sin embargo todos hemos escuchado Agua, Ahora quiéreme, Ven, Chapeando y Vive y en el festival de EuroDisney podría escuchar una nueva canción que canta Robertón que tenía la señal inconfundible de un éxito.  Los Van Van tiene una actuación mañana, el 26 de noviembre, en la Casa de la música Galiano además de varias otras fechas en noviembre y diciembre. ¡Y el sábado 4 de diciembre celebrará la orquesta su 35 aniversario! ¡El tren se va!

Wednesday November 24, 2004 - Dantes on Gold TV
Dantes Cardosa continues to make his mark in Italy with more concert dates and television appearances. Starting tonight, Wednesday November 25th and for 5 consecutive Wednesdays, Dantes y su bomba will be appearing on a private Italian television channel, Gold TV where they will be presenting their songs. We have a few pictures from the first episode which we have added to Dantes' photos gallery. And remember to check his site,, (in Italian and Spanish) for the latest news.

cuban music, musica cubana

Dantes en Gold TV
Dantes Cardosa continúa su carrera exitosa en Italia com más conciertos y actuaciones en la televisión. Desde hoy, el miercoles 25 noviembre y por 5 miercoles consecutivos,  Dantes y su bomba estarán en una television privada italiana que se llama Gold TV para presentar sus canciones. Tenemos unas fotos de la primera grabación en Dantes' galería. Y no te olvides de comprobar su página official,, (en italiano y español) para las últimas noticias.

Monday November 22, 2004 - Tours
OK, now we know for sure what's up with La Charanga Habanera. So when they start their European tour in January 2005, those of us in Europe will be seeing new singer Leo Garrido for the first time. In the meantime, they are planning a tour of Peru from December 7 - 18. If we can get more information about the venues and concert dates we will post it.

And speaking of tours, we have a little more information about Azúcar Negra in Novosibirsk. They will be performing at Havana Club, with the first performance on December 24th. As Limonta says: a todo el mundo le gusta la música cubana. For those of us who don't know much about Novosibirsk, it is a university town with a population of about 1.6 million. It has 6 theaters, an orchestra, a musical conservatory, 2 ballets, an opera and soon it will have  Azúcar Negra!

OK, ahora estamos seguros de lo que pasa con La Charanga Habanera. Entonces cuando comienzan la gira de europa enero 2005, la gente de Europa va a ver el cantante nuevo Leo Garrido por primera vez. Mientras tanto, tienen planes de hacer una gira de Peru el 7 - 18 diciembre. Si podemos conseguir más información sobre los lugares y las fechas la ponemos en la página..

Y mientras estamos hablando de giras, tenemos un poco más información sobre Azúcar Negra en Novosibirsk. Las actuaciones van a estar en  el lugar Havana Club, con el primero concierto el 24 diciembre. Como dice Limonta: a todo el mundo le gusta la música cubana. Para nosotros que no sabemos mucho de Novosibirsk, es una ciudad con universidad que tiene una población de 1.6 million. Tiene 6 teatros, una orquesta, una conservatorio, 2 balletes, una opera y hasta pronto va a tener Azúcar Negra!

Monday November 15, 2004 - Bamboleo Tour Postponed/La Gira de Bamboleo Postpuesta
Bamboleo's autumn tour of Europe has been postponed. Hopefully the November dates will be replaced by dates in December. We haven't heard what has caused the delay, but could it be due to the departure of singer Liena Hernández?

El gira de otoño de Bamboleo está postpuesta. Esperamos que las fechas de noviembre serán substituidos por fechas en diciembre. No sabemos la causa del retraso pero ¿podría ser por la salida de la cantante Liena Hernández? 

¿El Boni se va? Kelly and Ebblis starting their joint project
As people have been saying in the guestbook, Kelly and Ebblis Valdivia finally seem to be getting started on the project they have talked about for some time. According to Ivette, Kelly and some of the other members of El Clan have already left and been replaced, while Ebblis will continue with La Charanga Habanera until January. After that, who knows? Will he just take a break from the group to work on this project, or will he be leaving La Charanga Habanera? Keep an eye on Ivette's column for more information. She will be giving us the details shortly.

Como la gente está diciendo en el guestbook, parece que Kelly y Ebblis Valdivia están empezando con el proyecto de que han hablado hace un tiempo. Según Ivette, Kelly y unos otros músicos de El Clan ya han salido del grupo y están sustituidos, mientras Ebblis va a continuar con La Charanga Habanera hasta enero. ¿Después de eso, quién sabe? ¿Va a tomar una pausa del grupo para este proyecto o va a salir de La Charanga Habanera? Mira la página de Ivette para más información. Va a contarnos los detalles hasta pronto.

Los Van Van's new CD Chapeando 
We've been waiting and waiting and the latest news is that the CD will finally be released in December 2004 or January 2005. That doesn't narrow it down much, but at least we can say it's within about 2 months. If you haven't seen the CD cover yet, go to their website: The cover art was done by a number of Cuban artists, and for lack of a better word, it's really cool!

Monday November 8, 2004 - The new Pupy y los que son son released...finally!
We've been waiting forever it seems for the new CD - El buenagente - by Pupy y los que son son. It was released in Germany by the Termador label last Thursday and contains the tracks: El buenagente, Disco Azúcar, Dicen que dicen, Los tres gordos, Gato por libre, La figura soy yo, Ay Lola, La cuenta decisiva and Ven pa´que no me llore.

The CD should be available in other countries later his month. I'm hoping that Ilán will have time for a full CD review soon. But for now trust me when I tell you that Pupy has done it again. This CD is genuine timba na'má'. You're going to love it, so buy one for every timbero on your Christmas list! 

If you've been following Pupy's work as obsessively as we have, you have probably noticed that conspicuously absent from the current release are the songs El secreto, Cuentame and El borracho, which are already favorites of Pupy's fans. Rumor has it that Pupy is already working on his next CD which will be released by EGREM. Hopefully they will appear on the EGREM CD.

Tours Archive
We have decided to maintain archives of the tours section. This may seem strange to most normal people, but for timba geeks like us, it can be interesting and even a helpful research tool to have a history of timba tours. So if you someday are trying to remember what date you saw Paulo F.G. in Rome, you can just go back and take a look at the archive.

Friday November 5, 2004 - Calixto's new CD
Calixto Oviedo has finished recording his new CD, Calixto's Way. He plans to begin touring and release the CD February and March 2005. 

In the meantime if you're looking for more of Calixto's drumming you can hear him on the CD Welcome to the Worldclub by the Danish Latin Jazz group Ice Cream Vendors, which is being released this week with a party and jam session Sunday, November 7 at Cafe Amaranto in Fredriksberg, Denmark. 

The CD features vocals by Ernesto Manuitt, Lily Hernández and Rikke Schelde and is described as "a musical summit between 5 Cubans, 4 Danes and one American". The musicians consist of: Bob Rockwell (sax, flute), Calixto Oviedo (drums) and Ernesto Manuitt (lead vocals, coro) as well as Peter Suwalski (percussion), Yasser Morejon Pino (bass, coro), Carlos Peréz (trombone, coro), Hendrik Jørgensen (trumpet, synth, coro), Peter Lund (guitar, coro), Rikke Schelde (piano, lead vocals) and Lidices Hernandez (lead vocals, coro).

Tuesday November 2, 2004 - Autumn Tour Season Starting
Well regardless of how the election turns out in the US today, the tours are getting underway again in Europe. Los Van Van will be playing in the Canary Islands in Spain on November 5th and 6th. Other groups touring Europe this month include Bamboleo, Maraca, Clan 537, Vocal Sampling and Dantes y su bomba. In December Azúcar Negra goes to Russia and Osvaldo Chacón will be playing in London. Check out tours section for more information. We're doing our best to stay updated. 

Bamboleo on Tour
Manuel "Hueso" Moreno, drummer who has played with Michel Maza, Tirso Duarte and Danny Lozada and has now relocated to Lima, sent us some pictures of Bamboleo's recent trip to Peru. Hueso is currently involved in a timba project in Peru, and he and some of the other members of the project got to join in on stage with Bamboleo. 

cuban music, musica cubana
Bamboleo en Perú

Currently Bamboleo are back in Havana and according to the concert list at Canal Cubano, they will be performing at the 2 Casas de la Música this week. Bamboleo will be touring Europe in mid-November. We only have a couple of their concert dates thus far, so if you know of anymore please mail me so we can get their tours page updated.

martes, 22 marzo 2011, 07:32 pm