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Favorite Los Van Van Album/Disco preferido de Los Van Van



26 posts

Lately I have been way into Lo último en vivo. This album has so many great songs that I just can’t get over it. Plus it has what may be my favorite song of all time “Pura vestimenta”. But Van Van have so many albums that I wonder if there are some others that I am missing out on. Does anyone have recommendations for what they consider to be the best Van Van album(s)?

Últimamente estoy loca para el disco Lo último en vivo. Tiene tantas canciones buenas que no puedo dejar de escucharlo. Además tiene “Pura vestimenta” que puede ser mi cancion preferida de todos los tiempos. Pero Van Van tienen tantos discos que me pregunta si hay otros discos buenos que estoy perdiendo. Hay alguien que puede recomendar cuales son los discos mejores de Van Van?



3 posts

A mi me gusta mucho Arrasando y Chapeando.



26 posts

A mí me gusta también Chapeando mucho pero Arrasando no me llama tanto la atención. No sé por que.



3 posts

I heard the song Por Eso Me Mantengo a year ago and i liked it very much. Maybe that’s why I wanted to listen to the album. And the most in the album I like La Rumba No



26 posts

I agree. I love Me mantengo and La rumba no is another of my favorites from that album. But of the two for me Chapeando has more hits. It’s interesting that at YouTube the most popular of all the videos I’ve uploaded is Yeni singing Después de todo. BTW: I like your avatar :-)



14 posts

from their EGREM period i still have to listen to couple of volumes to be able to choose the best one. For now Vol 8 Que Pista. From their mid period definitely Lo ultimo en vivo (best song for me is Un Socio) but also check Ay Dios Amparame, great album.

From newer, En el Malecon de la Habana definitely (only few new ones who are great and best versions of old ones. Chapeando and Arrasando are great ofc but this one just makes me feel great every singe time i listen to it, and for that it is number one in my LVV collection.

LVV in general is my favorite band, as a dancer i love them the most because i find it easiest to dance on their music. In any case great topic! (people who know me will understand my excitement with this topic

edit: why is (people who know me will understand my excitement with this topic crossed?



3 posts

timberamayor – thanks))).Después de todo is one of my favourite songs
I thaught that they are my favourites too before listened to others like Maikel Blanco, Bamboleo, Azucar Negra, etc…
I propose to open more themes about cuban bands…

Subscribe to Favorite Los Van Van Album/Disco preferido de Los Van Van 7 post(s), 3 voice(s)