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JoJazz 2017 Day 1 Competition, Solistas Menores
JoJazz 2017 Day 1 Competition, Solistas Menores (Younger Soloists)
November 16 (morning) 2017
Sala Avenida, La Habana, Cuba
Photos and commentary by Bill Tilford, all rights reserved
Roxana Coz, Musicologist, Centro Nacional de Música Popular, presenter
ENGLISH: This portion of the competition, which took place during the morning, was for soloists of 16 to 20 years of age. They were permitted to be accompanied by a group that did not exceed eight musicians with no age limits on the accompanists, and improvisations were permitted only for the contestant. Each soloist was required to interpret two themes, one a Jazz "standard", and the other free choice. Some of the most commonly-recognized Jazz standards in this session were: The first soloist, Ángel Alexander Gómez Sanchez, a saxophonist, interpreted some Charlie Parker; the second, Claudio González Hernández, a flautist, included John Coltrane's Naima; another, a tenor saxophonist, included Body and Soul; a tresero played Spain by Chick Corea and Besame Mucho.
The contestants were introduced by Roxana Coz, a musicologist from the National Center of Popular Music (CNMP).
ESPAÑOL: Esta parte de la competencia, que tuvo lugar durante la mañana, fue para solistas de entre 16 y 20 años de edad. Se les permitió estar acompañados por un grupo que no excedía ocho músicos sin límite de edad para los acompañantes, y las improvisaciones solo se permitieron para el concursante. A cada solista se le pidió que interpretara dos temas, uno un "estándar" de Jazz y el otro de libre elección. Algunos de los estándares de Jazz más comúnmente reconocidos en esta sesión fueron: El primer solista, Ángel Alexander Gómez Sánchez, un saxofonista, interpretó a Charlie Parker; el segundo, Claudio González Hernández, un flautista, incluyó a Naima, de John Coltrane; otro, un saxofonista tenor, incluyó Cuerpo y Alma; un tresero tocó en España por Chick Corea y Besame Mucho.
Los concursantes fueron presentados por Roxana Coz, musicóloga del Centro Nacional de Música Popular (CNMP).
The winners of this round, announced on Sunday, were
1st Place: Mario Salvador Rodríguez Morales (tresero) - ENA2nd Place: Claudio González Hernández (flautist) - La Habana
3rd Place (shared): Carlos Javier Alcántara Díaz (pianist) - Conservatorio Esteban Salas de Santiago de Cuba
3rd Place (shared): Alejandro Mendoza Castro (saxophonist) - ENA
Mention: Ángel Alexander Gómez Sánchez (saxophonist) - ENA
ENGLISH: Jamey Aebersold Jazzbooks contributed some of their instructional books and recordings to several instructors associated with the event. Juan Chacon (shown above), saxophonist, instructor and leader of Magic Sax in Santiago de Cuba, received some of these.
ESPAÑOL: Jamey Aebersold Jazzbooks contribuyó con algunos de sus libros de instrucción y grabaciones a varios instructores asociados con el evento. Juan Chacón (arriba), saxofonista, instructor y líder de Magic Sax en Santiago de Cuba, recibió algunos de ellos.
ENGLISH: Click on the thumbnails that follow to view photos of the contestants. There were some changes from the printed lists of contestants throughout the competition. If there are any errors in the list published here, corrections may be sent to
ESPAÑOL: Haga clic en las miniaturas que siguen para ver las fotos de los concursantes. Pasaron algunos cambios de las listas impresas de concursantes durante toda la competencia. Si hay algún error en la lista publicada aquí, las correcciones se pueden enviar a
Solistas Menores (Younger Soloists)
Rows 1-2: Angel Alexander Gómez Sánchez (sax) with Andrés Desvernini (drums), Rodney Orta Betancourt (bass), Leonardo Acosta Garcia (piano), José D. Gómez Rodríguez (trumpet), Marlon Castro Delgado (flute).
Row 3: Claudio González Hernández (flute) with Eduardo Corcho (guitar), Carlos Abdel Hdez (bass), Lester Domínguez (drums)
Row 4: (l) Raidel Abreu (piano for Claudio González Hernández); Mario Salvador Rodríguez Morales (tres) with Ernesto Robles (guitar)
Row 5: Jorge Sergio Ramírez Prieto (sax) with Rodrigo Garcia Amerneiro (piano), Raúl Enrique Fdez Torres (bass); Adnel López Jiménez (drums)
Row 6: José David Gómez Rodríguez (trumpet) with Carolina Baños (piano), Osniel iran Suárez (bass) and Andrés ? (drums)
Row 7: Alejandro Mendoza (sax) with unnamed accompanists
Row 8: Carlos Javier Alcantara Díaz (piano) with Yordis Bauste Poll, Valexis Riso Díaz, Cristian Castro Ruiz, Héctor David Duvergel, Carlos Rafael Bauste
Row 9: Juan Miguel Sanchez Vidal (tres) with Yilan Valera (bass), Maria Miranda Quintero (violin), Abdiel Alarcón (clarinet), Erick Mediaceja (percussion)
Row 10 (POSSIBLY): Enrique A. Carballo González (bass) with Jonli Benitez Rodríguez (sax), Ernesto Hdez Vina (trumpet), Yunior Garcia (percussion)